International Armwrestling Federation (IFA)
On July 8, 2019, the first meeting of the Provisional Executive Board of the International Armwrestling Federation (IFA) was held with the following agenda:
1. Consideration of applications for entry into the IFA, received on 07/08/2019;
2. Organizational issues of the First IFA World Armwrestling Championship which will be held on December 5-6, 2019 in Rumia, Poland.
Following the review of applications, the International Armwrestling Federation (IFA) approved the applications of the following national organizations:
1. United States Armwrestling Association, Inc., USA
2. Federazione Scuole Braccio di Ferro Italia, ITALY
3. Malaysia Armwrestling Federation, MALAYSIA
4. Iranian Armwrestling Institute, IRAN
5. Lebanese Armwrestling, LEBANON
To date, the International Armwrestling Federation (IFA) has received 26 applications for membership and the Provisional Executive Board expects the full package of documents required for consideration of applications from all countries applied at the next meeting of the Board, which will be held in the first week of August 2019.
Our sincere congratulations to the new members of the IFA!
IFA Provisional Executive Board